Misc. Editor Tools

I'm always making tools for every project I work on in Unity. Most of them don't need their own page so here I'll document a lot of them here.

Editor Physics Placer

A hany little tool, which lets someone run a physics simulation on Objects while in the Editor. This was made to be able to quickly place objects randomly in containers.
It only runs the simulation on selected objects and adds a temp collider if needed. It can be run instantly, or it can be run in real time. Plane Drapper

Premier Audio XML Importer

This tool has saved my team hundreds of work hours. (Visually it doesn't do anything, but I had to show it since it solved a huge problem).
It imports XML files from Premiere into Unity and applies the audio clips from Premiere into an animation track in Unity. The point of it is so that sound designers can work in premiere to match their SFX to motion capture, then quickly import it into unity.
Plane Drapper

Plane Drapper

A tool I made to drape a plane over various colliders in Editor. This was made so that we could easily conform a low-poly teleportation plane over various landscapes in a VR Project.
Plane Drapper

Mass Replacer

A tool I made to find a replace objects en masse. Useful for when someone in your team forgot to use prefabs!
Mass Replacer

Color Lookup

Looks up the name of a Color using the Color API. I made this when trying to debug a problem involving color assignment in a project and printing RGB values was a pain to read.
Color Debug

Mine Sweeper

I started making a minesweeper which runs in the Unity Editor. Just made for fun.
Mine Sweeper

DOOM in Unity Editor

Since Doom can run on anything, it should run in the Unity Editor. This is the first steps of a project of mine to get Doom running in the Unity Editor
Mine Sweeper


Selection of Random Editor Tools

  • Various


Programmer - Joshua Reason